Oma's Trip ~ Friday, 11/15/02
Dateline: Home
    Had 79 cent screw in hooks replaced with a Hood
Pin thingy today.. OK... that doesn't sound like it
makes sense... There was no hood latch so some prior
owner of my car had made holes in the hood and I was
using those screw hooks (the type of hook that screws
into the ceiling to hang a plant from -- the really 
cheap ones) to keep the hood down. It was effective 
for keeping the hood down, but a royal pain in the
patootie to unscrew the things just to get the hood up
to check the oil. I'm told that NASCAR drivers use the
kind of hood pin thingys that were installed today.
Here's a picture:

    New Hood Pin

Took this while Pepper and I were walking this morning

    Home Property
Tomorrow (Saturday)
Notre Dame - no game
LSU vs. Alabama -- 6pm (Pacific Time)