Oma's Trip ~ 12/26/02 - IT'S STARTED	
Dateline: New Orleans, LA
This jerk has had my car blocked all night long... 
good thing Stacey didn't call for me to "mosey on over", huh??
That's a CURB just to the left of my car... *shaking head*  some people..
AND those are RED lines right in front of the jerk... a FIRE LANE...

Jerk is still parked behind me. Stacey just called...
she's in the hospital... doctor told her the other day
to come in today, so she had gone in to be checked...
was still having mild labor pains... doctor broke her
water... and her pains have increased some... so it's
gonna happen today??? 

I'm headed for the hospital... even if I have to back
OVER the jerk who has me blocked in.

Stay tuned....