Oma's Trip ~ 03/10/03
Dateline: Estacada (Portland), Oregon
What a leisurely day!!  110 miles... I was glad that I drove all the
way to Eugene yesterday afternoon... made today so much shorter...

Didn't get up early either!! And after I got packed up, I headed
next door to Denny's and had breakfast before I left...

Speed limit was only 65mph and I saw highway patrol out there giving
tickets away, so I drove nice and enjoyed the scenery.

This is such a pretty place... and after I turned off I-5 to get
here, I passed by a Safeway (grocery) store and noticed that now
they have GAS... and it was cheaper than the other gas stations
nearby -- most looked about $1.89/gal. but Safeway was $1.82/gal.
One GREAT thing about Oregon is that no one is allowed to pump their
own gas -- no self serve islands in this state!!  So I WILL gas up
before I leave Oregon -- probably the day I leave here... I'll go
back up the road and get gas at Safeway!!

Think I'll be here a day or maybe two -- recharging my batteries...

Only 2 -- yes TWO -- "driving days" left -- wonder how long it will
be before I get home.