
This was on CNN.com today {8/30/05):

====================================== Tim Whitmer, chief
administrative officer of Jefferson Parish, which includes
part of metropolitan New Orleans, said parish President Aaron
Broussard had ordered the parish off-limits until next week.

"Jefferson Parish is closed," he said. "It's just not a place
to be."

"We're hoping to allow citizens to return by 6 a.m. Monday
with a picture ID," he said. "But they have to realize
they're going to return to major, major problems."


I'm still at my sister's north of Baton Rouge. A couple of
trees blew down here... my son-in-law and his dad already got
the chain saw and made fast work of cleaning up the downed

Looks like we'll be here for at least another day -- maybe
more -- the state police aren't letting anybody back just yet
because there's no power, etc., etc., etc.

We heard from one of our neighbors (who stayed there during
the storm) that our houses (mine and my daughter's) are OK
and apparently not even under water; but, still suspect there
is no power so we'll wait until the authorities tell us it's
OK to return before heading back.

The power was off here most of the day, but came back on and
has stayed on since about 9pm, so that's more than a lot of
folks in this part of the country have right now. 

Go to 8/31/05