
Re: Refugee Count - 11 (1 came back (for a visit & then left)

3 went to Plaquemines Parish with sandwiches, cold drinks,
water, rubber gloves, garbage bags, and Clorox...

Report from the Plaquemines Parish group: Stacey's
grandmother's house in Belle Chasse, LA is high & dry and
with NO DAMAGE!! They had a police escort in and were allowed
10 minutes to get what they could. The cat (left in the
garage) is alive!! They weren't allowed to go any further
south into Plaquemines Parish and had a police escort back

We heard from my son-in-law's aunt today -- nobody had talked
to her since just before Katrina. She hasn't been able to get
any of the cell phone numbers she has to work (we couldn't
get an answer on her cell phone either). My son-in-law's
parents and grandmother are heading for Houston tomorrow and
will be gone a couple of weeks.

Go to 9/8/05