
This report covers 10/14 thru 10/24

Still don't know when we'll be able to return...

The official Evacuee count fluctuates between 1 (Me -- just
one night) and 7 as my daughter tries to go help my son-in-
law work on the house on the week ends when he can get there,
too. My granddaughters sometimes go and stay with other
grandmother(s)... sometimes one of them will stay here with
me on the week end.

My daughter's friend, Judy (aka "Nana"), from Alaska was here
from the 14th to the 21st. Judy's the kind of person who
lifts everyone's spirits and we look forward to her return --
whenever that happens.

Work on the house is slow. They have all the sheet rock out
of both the back bedrooms. The bathroom sustained the most
damage... the tub, sink, and toilet have to be removed before
work can continue in there. Now they're afraid that all the
kitchen cabinets on one wall will have to come out as there's
a good possibility that there is mold behind those
cabinets... the other side of the wall behind the cabinets is
the bathroom. Once they get all the old, wet sheet rock
removed, they have to make sure it's dry before they can
continue. And I think they're going to have to replace the
ceilings throughout the house.

They can't do a lot inside until the roofer gets the new roof
on... word from the roofer continues to be "next week"...

Stay tuned...

Go to 11/10/05