Oma's Trip ~ 11/21/02
Dateline: Casper, WY
DRIVING DAY 2 ~ Butte, MT to Casper, WY - 506.5 miles - 7 hrs 25 mins

Took this picture of Pepper and a couple of her toys
before leaving Butte this morning:

Frost on the windows hadda be scraped off before I
could head out of Butte this morning... First 15
minutes I was driving in some kinda scary fog... I
was very careful and went about 45 in a 75 til I was
out of the fog... and NOBODY PASSED ME either...

Once out of that fog, Montana was BEAUTIFUL.. saw one
"Scenic Turnout" sign and wanted to stop and take a
picture...  decided to get to Casper before dragging
the camera out. In fact, I only stopped to gas up and
at one rest stop... Did a Slim-Fast for breakfast and
triscuits, cheese & summer sausage for lunch -- both
while I was driving.

The Continental Divide wasn't much of a pull on the
car... nor were any of the other passes... I didn't
catch any of the names, but I saw no less than three
sets of "Chain Up Area" / "Chain Removal area" signs.

Gassed up in Bozeman and left the gas cap on the car
when I left... I know... I know... smooth move, ExLax!
Stopped at a rest area 73 miles out of Bozeman and dug
in my suitcase for a washcloth that I stuffed in the

When I gassed up in Buffalo, WY, I sure didn't see
no stinking BUFFALO... AND... that GAS station
didn't even have a GAS cap!!!  I'll get one in
Denver... the washcloth is working...

Made good time... UNTIL I got into Casper... Motel 6
directions were WRONG... found a Burger King and pulled
into the parking lot there... asked an older couple
who was heading inside for help and they at least
pointed me in the right direction.. still I drove
around another 15 minutes before I finally found the
place... at least I know where BK is now so I can get
my favorite sausage/egg croissant in the morning on my
way out of town.

So I'm settled in and DID get online... but... the
first connection I got was 16,800 and wouldn't browse
or get my mail... so I tried again... got 24,000 and
still couldn't get mail or browse well... tried
again... 21,600 and that won't download mail or browse
either... grrrrr

Discovered that if I go to
I can check my email and delete all the emails that I
don't need to read and any that I recognize as spam --
so I don't have so many to download into Netscape that
way... *finally* managed to get a bunch of that stuff
deleted which left 27 *real* messages to download...
OK, it got "stuck" at 23 of 27... so, I have 23... and
if I don't go to and DELETE
those 23, Netscape will try to download them AGAIN...
so S-L-O-W... grrrrrr

I took a picture of my car with part of Casper in the
background... at least you can see I got here before
dark... WOW! Is this interesting or what!! *GRIN*
    Car in Casper

Tomorrow 275 miles to Denver where Sister #4 lives.