Oma's Trip ~ 11/22/02
Dateline: Denver
DRIVING DAY 3 ~ Casper, WY to Denver, CO - 276.6 miles - 4 hrs 18 mins

The word for the day today is: WIND!!!

Got an early start and even stopped by Burger King
before getting on I-25 headed for Denver.

The first half hour was OK and then I started fighting
the wheel just to keep it between the lines. LOTS of
tumbleweeds blowing straight across the highway - west
to east... had a hard time maintaining the speed
limit, too (75mph)... kept wishing the damn wind was
at my back and that made me think of the Irish proverb:

May the road rise up to meet you...
May the wind be always at your back...
And may you be in heaven a half hour
      before the devil knows you're dead.

About 2 hours down the road -- I think coming into
Cheyenne -- I see this HUGE sign... one of those fancy
electric jobs with black background and lights for the
words and it says "STRONG WINDS AHEAD". Well, NO SHIT,

Gassed up in Cheyenne.

The wind diminished almost the minute I crossed the
border into Colorado.

Took this picture on the way to my sister's house:

I'll take more pictures later. My sister's working,
but when she gets home, I'll get her to take some
pictures and post them here...