Oma's Trip ~ 11/25/02
Dateline: Ardmore, OK
Wanted to post that I arrived in Ardmore and got
online... I'll add more to this after I get a little
more settled... 

Here's the 2" of snow in my sister's back yard in Denver.
This is from yesterday morning (11/24/02)
    Denver snow

And a picture of my sister and one of her sons
yesterday morning... my other nephew was still 
asleep when I left.

    Sister #4    Sister #4's Son #2

Now..... on to today's trip:

Well, I just wasn't very impressed with Kansas...
Dorothy and Todo can have it!! There wasn't even a
Burger King close to the motel, so I hadda settle for
McDonald's... OH WELL... on to better things, huh??

Gassed up in Salina after I got breakfast and then hit
the road... found I-35 south with ease... it was
pretty chilly when I left, but it warmed up in the car
so no biggie... Kansas had one parting shot for me...
the last few miles of I-35 was a damn TOLL ROAD...
sheesh!!  Cost me a buck 35 to get out of the state...
I felt like somebody said "Welcome to Kansas!" in

Oklahoma was warmer... tho the speed limit was still
70mph... I was a little worried about getting thru
Oklahoma City, but the signs were great and I didn't
get off on the wrong road once... and whenever I think
about OKC, I always remember my 50th birthday... I was
all set to lay around in bed all day, watch TV and eat
bon bons... just enjoy turning 50. Ended up crying on
my 50th birthday and it was supposed to be so awesome.
My 50th birthday was the same day as the OKC bombing...

ANYWAY, I got out of OKC without a hitch and just kept
going til I gassed up on Springer... actually, the
highway sign said "Comanche" and I thought that would
be a cool place to gas up, but it turned out to be
Springer... OH WELL... Springer is only about 10 miles
out of Ardmore, so I got here really early... they
hadn't even cleaned the room yet, so I hit the nearby
Burger King for a chicken whopper and I'm a happy

Got checked in... and online NO PROBLEM there...
downloaded 256 emails so I've been answering emails
since then...

 Ardmore to Bossier City, LA (Shreveport)... that's
only about 300 miles -- 50 miles shorter than today...
should be a short day... maybe I'll follow one of
those "scenic view" signs and take a picture or two...