Oma's Trip ~ 02/23/03
Dateline: New Orleans, LA (Still)
I was up early and had most everything loaded up by 9am
when Peggy was coming to clean the apartment. Peggy's
vacuum cleaner broke so I borrowed one from my next
door neighbor and things were looking pretty good for a
timely departure from the Big Easy.

Had "one last trip" to make to the apartment that
needed Chris' truck so I left the apartment so I could
play with Abby while waiting... I locked the dead bolt
on the apartment, loaded up Pepper (and a few other 
small items), and gassed up on the way over. How EFFICIENT!!

Then it was decided that we would all go back to my
apartment in the truck, so I locked up my car - with 
the key in the iginition - and THEN looked for the 
other set of keys (spare car key, apartment key, key 
to post office box at the apartment).. NO SUCH LUCK!
My other set of keys is who knows where...

We called Pop-A-Lock locksmith to come unlock the car
and hoped that the other set of keys would be IN the

The kids decided to take in a little sun while waiting
for Pop-A-Lock to show up:

    Waitin' on Pop-A-Lock

Pop-A-Lock arrived and unlocked the car, but the set of
keys with the apartment key on it was NOT in the car
and I still don't know where they are. The kids had
some other plans for around 2pm, and we hadn't been
able to get into the apartment by then. Finally talked
to the apartment maintenance guy and he unlocked the
apartment, so we were able to finally make that "one
last trip".  But alas, it was dark by then, so here I
am, still in the Big Easy... which is totally OK with 

Tomorrow will be a good day to start my return trip.