Oma's Trip ~ 03/14/03
Dateline: HOME
My last Motel 6 -- for a while...

Got the car all packed up and Pepper all situated. Wrote down the
mileage from my odometer. The time was 9:56am, 3/14/03 -- good time
to start... make it an easy day for the last leg of this long
ADVENTURE... guess it just wasn't to be because when I turned the
key, NOTHING... not even a little "click".

Three young men who were staying in the room next to mine at the
Motel 6 were loading up their car getting ready to leave and tried
to give me a jump, but that didn't work...

Went back into my motel room and called the closest Les Schwab...
They came in a big truck (that COULDA towed -- YIKES) and tried to
jump... He hadda get his truck running before the jump would work...
said maybe the alternator was going bad and wasn't charging the
battery properly? The guy told me that if I followed him over to the
shop, they'd check the battery and the alternator for free, so I did.

Turns out the battery is fine... maybe I unknowingly left the dome
light on (again) and that ran the battery completely down??? They
charged me $32 bucks for the jump and said the alternator seemed to
be working OK, but since they don't work on alternators, they
suggested I take the car to my favorite mechanic when I got home...
rest assured, that WILL happen...

FINALLY got underway about noon and figured I'd better fill up in
Monroe, WA -- BEFORE I headed over Stevens Pass (Elevation 4,061').

The pass was beautiful - as usual - and there was only PATCHES of
snow in the lower elevations... I've seen WAY more snow at the top
of Stevens Pass before... almost Spring, I guess!

Then I filled up in Brewster, WA so I could end the Mileage page --
at least for this trip.

Pulled up to the gate at 4:18pm. Sure is good to be HOME.

What a wonderful trip to be there when my beautiful daughter brought
my beautiful granddaughter into the world.
HEY, ABBY!! Abby - 27 days old and on the PHONE ~ Abby's standing!