
Re: Let's see... what happened yesterday?

Well, Three left and went to Texas and three others came back
making my sister's "guest" count: still 8 extra

Two of the three who came back last night had been allowed to
return to their home that is in Plaquemines Parish. They
repored a LOT of outside damage to their house, but almost
everything inside was dry. There's a lot of work that needs
to be done before they can move back in, but they will move
(temporarily) to a relative's home in Belle Chasse that
wasn't damaged. Belle Chasse is much closer to where they
need to be to get repairs accomplished.

My daughter's cousin (one of the nurses from Children's
hospital) got a job at Earl K. Long hospital in Baton Rouge
and has found an apartment to rent. 

Go to 9/14/05