
Let's see... what happened since the last report?

 Still don't know when we'll be able to return...

23rd "Guest"
count: 5 (4 left - Son-in-law's boss & family)

Due to Hurricane Rita, LSU Tigers football game will now be
on Monday night at 6:30pm (Central Time) on ESPN2.

24th "Guest" count: 5 (same as yesterday)

Rita came ashore at Cameron, LA in the middle of the night. I
watched the Weather Channel til we lost power at about 2am.
We used the outdoor grill for lunch and got power back about
6pm. While the power was out, I sat on the front porch and
started reading "A Salty Piece of Land" by Jimmy Buffett. Now
that the power is back on, I'm on the computer and will have
to MAKE time to finish the book.

After the power came back on, I got to watch Notre Dame
finish beating Washington (UDub) 36-17. Happy 

We played Trivial Pursuit. The IMPORTANT answser is: I did
NOT win. Yuk

Stay tuned...

Go to 9/30/05